Snow this morning, sunshine this afternoon. We're not having sub-zero temperatures now, and there is a great increase in daylight, we've made it through the worst.
Tom went to Mexico early in January, and is working on installing a kitchen in our house there. We'd really like to sell that, so this should help. He is enjoying the sunshine!
Jon-Erik took the GRE, and is planning on Portland State for graduate school, beginning this summer. We visit on Skype quite a bit.
James-Philip hasn't been laid off yet, and expects to work through April. He is the person with a great flat-screen TV (last year's birthday present) so will have a house full of people for the Super Bowl.
I plan to do some Olympic knitting while watching the Vancouver events - socks, and possibly a sweater. I have one to finish (for Tom), a sock for him too, but really want to do something special during the Olympics. I usually over-plan though, so we'll see!
Flower Cupcake Cushion
11 months ago