Football (and knitting, if you're like me) season is upon us, so it's safe to say summer is over. And the rainy days we've been having would confirm it. I know it will continue to be wet, because the roofing project is still waiting for shingles (they should be arriving Monday) and someone to complete the job! The barn has tar paper, which hopefully will hold up in spite of the wind that has been blowing through. I'm going to be optimistic and think James-Philip will find a friend to help him get that done once the shingles are here. The house could wait for next spring, when all the roofers in town won't be so backed up, dealing with hail storm repairs all over town.
Before Tom began his extended fall journey, we had birthday and Christmas (mine and JP's) so Tom could enjoy our reaction to his gifts. So now I have a great collection of movies to watch (lots of Muppet movies that I don't have on DVD) and a few Wii games (Lego Indiana Jones and Harry Potter). That will keep me busy over the winter in between knitting projects. I tried the Indiana Jones game the other day - I'm going to need a small child to help me get through that!
Flower Cupcake Cushion
11 months ago