Good thing I didn't make a New Year's resolution to keep our blog up to date - that would have failed miserably! I always expect January to be slow and quiet, after the holidays, but suddenly January is gone and February is over half gone too.
Back in December a co-worker (Katy, far right in the photo) mentioned the Scarves for Special Olympics project, so we decided to see how many we could get made before our state deadline. People at work, several of my other knitting friends, even a vendor at the mall got involved - we ended up with 28 scarves! The local UPS store graciously offered to ship them for free. We're anxious to find out the colors for next year's project so we can get started. More time will allow more people to contribute - we're aiming for 50 scarves!
Tom and I have planned a get-away to Washington DC in April, once he returns from Mexico. It's been several years since we've been there, so we're looking forward to exploring the new places we haven't seen yet. Cherry blossom season will probably be done, but the weather should be pleasant.
And hopefully I'll have posted a few more entries before then!