A blog without recent posts is a sad situation indeed! And embarrassing...I'd like to think it's because we have been so incredibly busy there was just no time to write, but even that isn't an acceptable excuse - it takes no time at all to enter a few random thoughts.
After the April library conference in Billings, Tom and I met up in Washington DC for a fun spring vacation. The cherry blossoms were just about done, but we had a wonderful time doing all the usual tourist activities. I experimented with traveling with only a carry-on, and gate-checking that, which worked out really well! I also learned to verify airport codes on my itinerary, when I showed up at DFW (Dallas-FtWorth) for a flight that left from DAL (Dallas-Love Field). Luckily this was on a Sunday afternoon, with no traffic, and we were able to get to the proper airport with just minutes to spare.
When Tom returned to Bozeman in May, he found grass ready to cut, but constant rain prevented that activity. Things have finally dried out, but the wet spring has encouraged a heavy crop of mosquitoes! We're still waiting for the roof to be replaced (but should have a crew lined up to do it soon). James-Philip was waiting for work, so was able to help Tom quite a bit with the remaining projects (tree-trimming, etc).
Tom and I had planned a cruise in November, as a kind of birthday celebration for my 55th (to Rio!), but it soon became problematic: the flight connections were inconvenient, we needed to get our own Brazilian visas, it just didn't seem worth the trouble. So we found a much less expensive alternative, on a different cruise line, through the Panama Canal. We've done the Canal before but this will be San Francisco to New York. The biggest problem now is getting Tom's passport, which he left in Texas...He'll be making a long detour before our trip begins.
I'll take bets on when I get around to doing the next post. Anyone want to guess?
Flower Cupcake Cushion
11 months ago