I was informed recently that 6 months have passed since the Wedding (the newlyweds mentioned they'd realized it was their 6-month anniversary!). So why no posts? Have we been busy? Not really...Tom stayed in Montana until almost Thanksgiving. Jamie had her hip replacement surgery December 31 and is recovering nicely. Friends and I made 43 scarves (knitted or crocheted) for the local Special Olympics athletes in February.
Now it's Spring! Daylight lasts longer, snow is disappearing - just waiting for a robin. We had a nest off the front porch last year, and I'm hoping someone will move back to that location this year. Turkeys pass through the yard on a regular basis (the cracked corn I toss out probably has something to do with this).
Cruising is in our futures. Tom and I will cross the Atlantic, stopping in Canada and Ireland before landing in London. Jon-Erik and Tom will cruise New England - a graduation gift as Jon-Erik will be a new librarian by then! I'd like to see him find a job, but if he doesn't find something he'll begin another master's in the fall.
Once Tom returns he'll get started on a few projects (new decks, a few windows, the yard, of course!). We'd like to get some little trips in too. I attended a conference in Butte and would like to go back for a weekend to explore more. So maybe we'll have a bit more news!
Flower Cupcake Cushion
11 months ago