Made it through Momma Mia - Pierce Brosnan singing ABBA was quite the experience! Cute movie, but not one I'll need to revisit, I'm pretty sure. Son of Rambow was cute, too; sweet in a Napoleon Dynamite sort of way. Next up: Get Smart, Burn After Reading and some Batman - Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I'm not usually a Batman fan, but I've heard good things about these. James-Philip will probably come over to watch them with me.
Although the NYGiants have finished their season, we'll still be watching the playoffs, cheering on the Eagles. Philly and Pittsburg would be an interesting Super Bowl - we'll see what happens this Sunday.
My 3-day weekend begins Sunday - I took Tuesday for my MLK holiday, so I can watch all the inaugural events. The library will have a big screen TV on in a meeting room, too; this is the first big event since the TV was installed. It's a little early for Montana - we don't open until 10 a.m. which is right when the ceremony takes place in D.C. but I'm sure there will be lots of news coverage before and after. As with football, I think this is an event where it's much better NOT to be there!
Flower Cupcake Cushion
11 months ago
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