This is my version of our annual holiday letter. It's been a few years since I've taken the time to write one, so this is a big improvement. Why not take advantage of the internet services available?
Highlights of the year, some of which have been mentioned in previous posts: our fun trip to Washington, D.C. in April and the cruise through the Panama Canal in September.
In between these we had a lot of work done on the house, completing repairs from last year's hail storm: a new roof, new paint, and some interior ceiling work. Next year we'll be looking at window replacement, and should probably consider carpeting - we're still living with the original rust/brown shag. It just won't wear out!
Tom just spent a week in Portland with Jon-Erik, where they celebrated a bit of Christmas. Next Tom heads to Mexico for the winter, and Jon-Erik will come to Bozeman. He's finished another quarter of his graduate program, and is still doing well.
James-Philip and Jamie have settled in to the house in town, and are planning a wedding! News hasn't gone out to everyone yet, so I'm taking a chance by posting here. But since I don't think there are many followers, it doesn't seem to be a big risk. (But if you read this, don't spoil the surprise!). They are using the family heirloom engagement ring, passed on to each Henley son. I believe he is the fourth Henley to use it. We hope they are as happy as we've been.